Zulrah is famous for RuneScape gold consistently good drops , and high gold per hour and its convenience as a solo-only experience. It needs numerous preparations but don't let that stop players from trying. It's well worth it. It is immune to melee attacks and, therefore, instead of a high Melee ability, you'll require at least an 80-level Ranged and at least 70 Defense skill level, 80 in Magic and Hitpoints skills and 45 or higher Prayer skill level.
Find yourself Magic and Ranged armour and weapon sets (ie Armadyl armour, Mystic robes, toxic blowpipe and Trident of the swamp) Casting runes, food (we recommend monkfish and shark) as well as a combo meal for gaming purposes anti-venom, ranging prayer and magical potions (for the latter, it is possible to imbued hearts), ring of recoils, some kind of teleportation (such as the Home Tablet and last but certainly not the least runes to cast the"vengeance" spell.
In order to unlock the quest, you must reach Port Tyras in Regicide questline. Once you've done that, you'll have to present yourself as a sacrifice to cheap RS gold the High Priestess Zul Harcinqa, after that you're all set to try your luck with serpent god.